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Best Stone Cruisher in Sitarganj (Uttarakhand) Provides Premium Quality of Sand, Stones and Gravel.

Talwar Projects & KJS Contractors has added one more feather to its Cap by adding a branch of Stone Cruisher in its Business.

We only offer our customers the highest quality products available on the market - and for the best prices you’ll find anywhere in this area and beyond.

What We Provide

Crushes such as limestone, granite, basalt and so on to product aggregates for ready mix concrete, building material, construction site and others. Various final product sizes are available with customizing crushing plant system solution.Our clients really appreciate the fact that our products are only top quality, carefully selected by our team and ready to use from the moment they are purchased. Not sure which one is right for you? Give us a call and an expert will assist you with all doubts.

We have a wide range of products for all your construction needs. Give us a call and find out how we can help.

Kawaljeet Singh Contractor Pvt. Ltd.
Everest Buildcon
U.P. Uttarakhand Border
Sitarganj Dist. U.S.Nagar
piko construction

Contact Info

Please feel free to call us to discuss your upcoming project!

Head office:
Talwar Projects
Plot No.12, Rudra Arcade
II Floor, Opp. P.A.C.
Nanital road, Avas Vikas
Rudrapur , Dist. U.S.Nagar (UK)
Phone: +91-9837062899

Contact Info

Sister Concern :
KJS Contractors Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No.12, Rudra Arcade
II Floor, Opp. P.A.C.
Nanital road, Avas Vikas
Rudrapur , Dist. U.S.Nagar (UK)
Phone: +91-7500019222